1. Why are you interested in consulting? Why Bain in particular?
2. Tell me about your past experience working in teams.
3. Tell me about how you overcame a challenge.
4. What are the three best ideas you’ve had in the past five years?
在你的腦袋里儲備好一套“top three”lists永遠都是個好主意:top three, top three descriptive adjectives, top three pivotal experiences等等。面試官就是愛這么提問,盡管很少有人會將最內心的想法排序!
5. What are you most proud of on your resume?
1. Tell me about Bain’s training programs. How much continuing training can I expect?
2. Will Bain pay for my business degree (assuming you’re applying as an associate consultant)?
3. I notice that Bain has recently launched an LBO practice firm-wide - one of Bain Capital’s specialties. Has there been any cross-pollination between the two firms?
對于這個問題你要謹慎行事。盡管提這個問題可以向面試官暗示你完成了家庭作業(yè),但是貝恩不愿意承認自己和LBO 公司有任何直接的瓜葛。如果你的面試官表現(xiàn)得不太自然,或是沒有直接回答問題,你不要不斷追問。
4. What is the 50/50 rule for consultants? At any given time, do Bain consultants divide their time between two different cases? How do your clients react to the division of energies?
貝恩為自己的雇員通常同時處理兩個case而感到自豪。貝恩認為雇員會從“cross-section” of cases上學得更快。然而,不少雇員經(jīng)常抱怨兩份負擔帶來的受虐狂似的工作節(jié)奏!
5. What are Bain’s expansion plans?
- 上一篇:實習生究竟有多不懂事
- 下一篇:北榮,那些“失敗面試”教我的事

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